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Glass Harmonies

Sweet Stuff

Grande Notes

Night Oils

Citrus Jazz

Blue Jazz

Plein Air

Still Life

Heads & Figure

Art in the Morning

Thank you for another spectacular show season in 2023!

I am so grateful for your engaging conversations and support of my work! You make it so I can do what I love - make the world kinder through beauty. Thank you!


2025 Show Schedule: thus far

May 3 & 4, 2025

Saratoga Rotary Club Fine Arts Show,

Booth # to be announced

I look forward to seeing you!

Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 5:pm. West Valley College campus, 14000 Fruitvale Av. Saratoga, CA.

10% of sales go to support the Rotary in their community outreach projects.


Show Schedule: 2024

Always check back for updates before the show.

Thank you. 

October 12 & 13, 2024

San Carlos Art & Wine Faire

Booth # 635c

Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 6:pm, Laurel St at San Carlos Ave, Downtown San Carlos, CA.


September 7 & 8, 2024

Mountain View Art & Wine Festival 

Saturday 10:am - 7:pm, Sunday 10:am - 6:pm, Downtown Mountain View, CA.


August 31 & September 1, & 2, 2024 

Kings Mountain Art Fair

 Labor Day Weekend

Booth # 141

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 10:am - 5:pm.

Sklyline Blvd., Woodside, CA. In the Redwoods!

15% sales go to support the Kings Mtn Fire Brigade and their school.


August 24 & 25, 2024

Palo Alto Festival of the Arts,

Booth # 239c & 240c

Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 6:pm,

University Av, Palo Alto, CA.


August 10 & 11, 2024

Fine Art in the Park ~ Los Altos Rotary,

Booth #211

Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 5:30 pm. Lincoln Park, Los Altos, CA.

10% of sales go to support the Rotary in their community outreach projects.


May 4 & 5, 2024

Saratoga Rotary Club Fine Arts Show,

Booth # 900

I look forward to seeing you!

Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 5:pm. West Valley College campus, 14000 Fruitvale Av. Saratoga, CA.

10% of sales go to support the Rotary in their community outreach projects.



Show Schedule 2023

November 24, 25, & 26, 2023

Crocker Holiday Artisan Market

Booth # 308 

Friday, Noon to 5:pm,  Saturday, 10:am - 5:pm, Sunday, 10:am - 4:pm,

Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H Street, Sacramento, CA

This is my last show of the season. Then it will be paint, paint, paint!

Fun! I donated a piece to their 'Visitor's Passport' event.

A Gift of Art is Giving Two Gifts at Once! Thank You!

Sponsored by the Crocker Art Museum and the Creative Arts League... doing good works for art education and the creative community.


October 7 & 8, 2023

San Carlos Art & Wine Faire

Booth # 635C

Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 6:pm, Laurel St at San Carlos Ave, Downtown San Carlos, CA.


September 9 & 10, 2023

Mountain View Art & Wine Festival 

Saturday 10:am - 7:pm, Sunday 10:am - 6:pm, Downtown Mountain View, CA.


September 2, 3, & 4, 2023 

Kings Mountain Art Fair

Booth # 141

Labor Day Weekend

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 10:am - 5:pm.

Sklyline Blvd., Woodside, CA. In the Redwoods!

15% of Kings Mountain sales go to support the Kings Mtn Fire Brigade and their school.



August 26 & 27, 2022

Palo Alto Festival of the Arts,

Booth # 239c & 240c

Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 6:pm, University Av, Palo Alto, CA.


August 12 & 13, 2023

Fine Art in the Park ~ Los Altos Rotary.

Booth #231

Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 5:30 pm. Lincoln Park, Los Altos, CA.

10% of sales go to support the Rotary in their community outreach projects.


May 6 & 7, 2023

Saratoga Rotary Club Fine Arts Show,

Booth # 908  - I look forward to seeing you!

Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 5:pm. West Valley College campus, 14000 Fruitvale Av. Saratoga, CA.

10% of sales go to support the Rotary in their community outreach projects.




Show Schedule 2022:

October 8 & 9, 2022

San Carlos Art & Wine Faire,

Booth # 635

Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 6:pm, Laurel St at San Carlos Ave, Downtown San Carlos, CA.

My Last Show of the Season!  Say it ain't so!

I hope to see you there!


September 10 & 11, 2022

Mountain View Art & Wine Festival 

Saturday 10:am - 7:pm, Sunday 10:am - 6:pm, Downtown Mountain View, CA.


September 3, 4 & 5, 2022

Kings Mountain Art Fair

Booth # 141

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 10:am - 5:pm, Labor Day Weekend.  Woodside, CA. in the Redwoods!

15% of Kings Mountain sales go to support the Kings Mtn Fire Brigade and their school.


August 27 & 28, 2022

Palo Alto Festival of the Arts,

Booth # 239 & 240

Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 6:pm, University Av, Palo Alto, CA.


August 13 & 14, 2022

Fine Art in the Park ~ Los Altos Rotary

Booth # 226

Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 5:30 pm. Lincoln Park, Los Altos, CA.


June 11 & 12, 2022

Obsession Wine & Art Festival,

Booth # 44 / 45     ...see you there!!

Time change for Saturday:  Saturday 10:am - 5:pm, & Sunday 10:am -5:pm.  Ironstone Vineyards, 1894 6 Mile Rd., Murphys, CA.


April 30 - May 1, 2022

Saratoga Rotary Club Fine Arts Show,

Booth #905 - I'll be looking for you!

Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 5:pm. West Valley College campus, 14000 Fruitvale Av. Saratoga, CA.

Updates to come! Please check back.

I can't wait to see you!

I love what I do. I love the challenge and constant discovery of painting. I love making the world kinder through my version of beauty. I love making people happy with art.

Juried shows are a wonderful way to meet new people, see old friends. Answer questions. I enjoy connecting with you.

If you can't come to a show, shop online!  I ship everywhere.


October 9 & 10, 2021 San Carlos Art & Wine Faire Canceled due to covid.

September 11 & 12, 2021 Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, covid-canceled.

September 4, 5, & 6, 2021 Kings Mountain Art Fair, Labor Day Weekend has gone Virtual: Saturday, Sunday, Monday. 10:am - 4:pm.

The Virtual Show was a big success last year!!

15% of Kings Mountain sales go to support the Kings Mtn Fire Brigade and their school.

August 28 & 29, 2021 Palo Alto Festival of the Arts  event canceled due to covid.

August 6, 7, 8,  9, 2020  Incline Village Fine Art Festival Incline Village, Lake Tahoe canceled due to covid  

July 2021 Artist-in-Residence at Valhalla, South Lake Tahoe So sorry, Artist-in-Residence program is discontinued. The gallery space has been re-purposed for wedding use.

May 1 & 2, 2021  Saratoga Rotary Fine Art Show, Saratoga, CA canceled due to covid

I can't begin to say just how much I miss my customers, my shows, and connecting with new people. The joy of having someone add a piece of my work to their life is rewarding!!

This is why I chose to do shows, instead of go the gallery route.

I like getting to know you. I like answering your questions on painting technique, content: the landscape, why glasses? Or questions about business. I like encouraging people who are just starting out - offering them support and courage.


2020 ShowSchedule All shows canceled due to covid. Except!...

...Join us! King's Mountain Virtual Art Fair! Labor Day Weekend ~ details below.

I love my job. I love the challenge and constant discovery of painting. I love making the world kinder through my version of beauty. I love making people happy with art. 

I fully support the decision, but I am sorry and sad that all physical shows have been canceled for 2020. Juried shows are a wonderful way to meet new people, see old friends, and grow my business. I need them ... and I enjoy connecting with my customers!

Stay safe. Protect yourself & others. I want my job back!

The goal for all is to stay safe, be well, enjoy art, shop online!

We hope to have all shows back on track next year.

May 2 & 3, 2020 canceled due to covid Saratoga Rotary Fine Art Show, Booth # 510, Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 5:pm, on the grass at West Valley College, Saratoga, CA

June 30 - July 13, 2020 event canceled due to virus Artist-in-Residence at Valhalla, South Lake Tahoe,

Artist-in-Residence Oil Painting show and working on site at Valhalla Grand Hall Gallery - Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Richardson,) South Lake Tahoe, Open every day 10:30 am - 4:30 pm.

August 7, 8,  9, 2020 Event canceled due to covid. Incline Village Fine Art Festival, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10:am - 5:pm.

On the grass at Preston Field, 700 Tahoe Blvd, (near Mt Rose Hwy,) Incline Village, NV

August 22 & 23, 2020 event canceled due to virus. Palo Alto Festival of the Arts,  Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 6:pm, University Av, Palo Alto, CA    Click: to visit the Palo Alto Festival site.

September 5, 6, & 7, 2020  We've Gone Virtual!!! Kings Mountain Art Fair

What better time to add beauty, inspiration, color, and calm to your life?! 

The King's Mountain Art Fair is being safely held online.You can view work here, on my website, and visit their website: Kings Mountain Art Fair

This year, the Redwoods are a state of mind. Join us! ~Labor Day Weekend: September 5, 6, 7. 10:am - 4 pm, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, online Virtual Festival.

September 12 & 13, 2020 Canceled due to Covid  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Saturday 10:am - 7:pm, Sunday 10:am -6:pm, Downtown Mountain View, CA

October 10 & 11, 2020 Canceled due to covid.  San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 6:pm. Downtown San Carlos, CA

Enjoy the work found here on my website. Sign up to receive Art in the Morning each Wednesday, the first place my new work is displayed.

If you would like to purchase, or have questions, just shoot me an email. I am user friendly and a good cause.

Art really does enrich us and help us greet the day, especially these days!

Thank you for supporting the arts! We need beauty in our lives.


October 12 & 13, 2019  San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 6:pm. Booth # 798, between Olive & Cherry St. Downtown Los Altos, CA

September 7 & 8, 2019  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Saturday 10:am - 7:pm, Sunday 10:am -6:pm, Downtown Mountain View, CA

August 24 & 25, 2019  Palo Alto Festival of the Arts, Booth #323.  Saturday & Sunday 10:am - 6:pm, University Av, Palo Alto, CA    Click: to visit the Palo Alto Festival site.

August 9, 10, & 11  Incline Village Fine Art Festival, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10:am - 5:pm. I will be at Booth #26... just for you, with a view.

On the grass at Preston Field, 700 Tahoe Blvd, (near Mt Rose Hwy,)Incline Village, NV

July 13 & 14, 2019  Los Altos Art & Wine Faire, Saturday & Sunday, 10: am - 6:pm, Downtown Los Altos, CA. I'll see you at BOOTH # 139 on State between 1st & 2nd.

May 4 & 5, 2019  Saratoga Rotary Fine Art Show, Booth # 510, Saturday & Sunday, 10:am - 5:pm, on the grass at West Valley College, Saratoga, CA


October 26, 27 & 28 , 2018 Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown Friday & Saturday 10: am - 6: pm, & Sunday 10: am - 5: pm

October 6 & 7 , 2018 San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, Saturday & Sunday 10: am - 6: pm

September 8 & 9, 2018  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, Saturday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm, Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm

August 25 & 26, 2018 Palo Alto Festival of Arts, University Av, Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm   http://www.mlaproductions.com/PaloAlto/index.html

July 6 - 25, 2018  "Juicy Color: Plein Air Landscapes and Luminous Still Lifes" *   Artist-in-Residence Oil Painting show * at Valhalla Grand Hall Gallery - Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Richardson,) South Lake Tahoe, Open every day 11:00 am - 4:30 pm.  *Artist's Reception, Tuesday, July 10, 4:30 - 6:00 pm.  Come & Enjoy!

This is my biggest show of the season. I will have my easel and be painting on site, as time allows. It's always fun - up close and personal. Located on the beautiful shore of Lake Tahoe, among the towering, old-growth Ponderosa.  Come for an art fix in nature's grandeur, take a walk on the beach at the edge of blue.


November 3, 4, & 5, 2017 Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Friday & Saturday,10 am - 6 pm, Sunday, 10 am - 5 pm.

October 7 & 8, 2017 San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Booth # 776-778 on Laurel St near Olive St.  Downtown San Carlos, CA, Saturday 10 am - 6 pm, Sunday 10 am - 5 pm.

September 9 & 10, 2017  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, Saturday: 10 am - 7 pm, & Sunday 10: am - 6: pm.

July 14 - 23, 2017* Radiant Color: Plein Air Landscapes and Luminous Still Lifes, Artist-in-Residence. Come Visit!

Join me! Artist's Reception, Tuesday July 18, 4:30 - 6:00pm

Valhalla Grand Hall Viking Gallery, South Lake Tahoe - on the beautiful shore of Lake Tahoe, among the towering, old-growth Ponderosa. Come for an art fix in nature's grandeur, bring a picnic for the beach! I will be painting on site daily. Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Rich) South Lake Tahoe, 11am - 4:30pm, daily.


November 4, 5 & 6, 2016 Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Friday & Saturday,10am - 6pm, Sunday, 10am - 5pm.

October 15 - 17, 2016 3-day Still Life Painting Workshop, "Dynamic Composition & Radiant Color," Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my Workshop Page for more workshops and more info.

October 8 & 9, 2016 San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm. Come say hi! Please find me in booth #774 / 776.

September 19 - 23, 2016 5-Day Plein Air Painting Workshop in Lake Tahoe. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info.

September 10 & 11, 2016  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, 9:30 am - 6 pm

August 12 - 28, 2016 Radiant Color: Plein Air Landscapes and Luminous Still Lifes, Artist-in-Residence, Valhalla Grand Hall Viking Gallery - on the beautiful shore of Lake Tahoe, among the towering, old-growth Ponderosa. Come for an art fix in nature's grandeur, & a picnic at the beach. I will be painting on site. Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Rich) South Lake Tahoe, 11am - 4:30pm, daily.

Lake Garda, Italy! 2016 Amp Up Your Art in the Heart of the northern lake district. 7-day Plein Air painting workshop. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info. Full w/ waitlist

April 18, 2016 Lincoln Painting Club, "Creating Dynamic Composition," Speaker and Demonstrator. 1pm Meeting, 2pm Demo. Kilaga Springs,1167 Sun City Blvd., Lincoln, CA.

April 14, 2016  Roseville Fine Arts Club, "Creating Dynamic Composition," Speaker and Demonstrator. 1pm Meeting, 2pm Demo. The Lodge, 7050 Del Webb Blvd., Roseville, CA

March 1, 2016 Placer Artist's League, Critique Session, 10a.m., 808 Lincoln Wy, Auburn, CA

February 6, 7, & 8 2016  3-day Still Life Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my Workshop Page for more workshops and more info.


November 6, 7, 8, 2015 Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Friday & Saturday,10am - 6pm, Sunday, 10am - 5pm. 

October 22, 2015 Demo and Instruction to BATS Volunteer Instructors, Bringing Art to the Schools: 9:30 - 11:a.m., Tahoe Valley School, 943 Tahoe Island Dr., South Lake Tahoe

October 17, 18 & 19, 2015 3-day Still Life Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my Workshop Page for more workshops and more info. Full w/ waitlist

October 10 & 11, 2015  San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, 10am - 6pm

September 21 - 25, 2015  5-Day Plein Air Painting Workshop in Lake Tahoe. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info.

September 12 & 13, 2015  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, 9:30 am - 6 pm  

August 22 - 23, 2015 Palo Alto Festival of Arts, University Ave, 10:am - 6:pm  http://www.mlaproductions.com/PaloAlto/index.html

August 7 - 16, 2015 Artist-in-Residence, Valhalla Grand Hall on the beautiful lakeside Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Rich) South Lake Tahoe, 11am - 4pm, daily.

July 24, 25 & 26, and July 31, August 1 & 2, 2015 Two 3-day Weekends: South Lake Tahoe Studio Tour
South Lake Tahoe, CA 10am - 5pm each day. Free.

The Studio Tour is a huge hit. Each year it is bigger and better. Bring your friends & family and make a day of it! Visit my studio cabin and see where I work. It is an up close opportunity to learn about process and technique. Brochures will be available in July at the Tahoe Art League office and on the  website: TALarts.org.

July 11 - 12, 2015  Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival, Main & State Sts & Central Plaza. 10:-5: 

Tuscany! 2015 Amp Up Your Art in the Heart of Tuscany. 7-day Plein Air painting workshop. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info. Full w/ wait list

May 4 - 7, 2015 full with waitlist  4-Day Plein Air Painting Workshop in Lake Tahoe. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info.

April 2 - 5 & 9 - 12, 2015  2015 "Immagini" juried show. Wessel + O'Connor Fine Art, 7 North Main St., Lambertville NJ. Artist's Reception Saturday April 11, 3 - 6 pm

March 23 - 30, 2015 "Immagini" juried show. Site/109 Gallery, 109 Norfolk St., New York, NY 10002
Artist's Reception Saturday March 28, 4 - 7 pm


November 15 - 17, 2014 3-day Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my Workshop Page for more workshops and more info.

November 7, 8 & 9  2014  Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Fri & Sat,10am - 6pm, Sun, 10 - 5. 

October 11 & 12, 2014  San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, 10am - 6pm

September 15 - 19, 2014  5-Day Plein Air Painting Workshop in Lake Tahoe. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info.

September 6 & 7, 2014  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, 9:30 am - 6 pm

August 23 - 24, 2014 Palo Alto Festival of Arts, University Ave, 10:am - 6:pm http://www.mlaproductions.com/PaloAlto/index.html

August 8 - 17, 2014 Artist-in-Residence, Valhalla Grand Hall on the beautiful lakeside Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Rich) South Lake Tahoe, 11am - 4pm, daily.

Two 3-day Weekends: South Lake Tahoe Studio Tour
August 1, 2 & 3, 2014
July 25, 26 & 27, 2014  Tahoe Art League Studio Tour,  South Lake Tahoe, CA 10:am - 5: pm each day. Free. I am Studio #4 on the map. 

Each year the tour bigger and better. It is a huge hit. Bring your friends and make a day of it! Visit my studio cabin on the tour and see where I work. Brochures will be available in July at the Tahoe Art League office and on the  website: TALarts.org.

July 12 - 13, 2014 Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival, Main & State Sts & Central Plaza. 10:-5:

Tuscany! 2014 sold out Amp Up Your Art in the Heart of  7-day Plein Air painting workshop. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info.

March 4, 2014 Placer Artists League 10 am Critique Session, bring a painting! The Arts Bldg., 808 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA.

February 22 -24, 2014 3-day Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my Workshop Page for more workshops and more info.

November 16 - 18, 2013 3-day Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my Workshop Page for more workshops and more info.

November 1, 2 & 3  2013  Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Fri & Sat,10am - 6pm, Sun, 10 - 5. 

October 12 & 13, 2013  San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, 10am - 6pm

September 16-20, 2013  5-Day Plein Air Painting Workshop in Lake Tahoe. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info.

September 7 & 8, 2013  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, 9:30 am - 6 pm

August 24 - 25, 2013 Palo Alto Festival of Arts, University Ave, 10 am - 6 pm http://www.mlaproductions.com/PaloAlto/index.html

August 9 - 18, 2013 Artist-in-Residence, Valhalla Grand Hall on Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Rich) South Lake Tahoe, 11am - 4pm.

August 1, 2013 "The Lake Tahoe Art Scene,"  5:15pm KTHO Radio am590 - FM96.1

July 31,  2013  Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe, Talk and "slide" show. Noon in the Emerald Bay Room A at Harvey's Convention Ctr, South Lake Tahoe.

Two 3-day Weekends: Studio Tour
August 2, 3 & 4, 2013
July 26, 27 & 28, 2013  Tahoe Art League Studio Tour,  South Lake Tahoe, CA 10:am - 5: pm each day. Free. Each year it's bigger and better. Last year was a huge hit. Bring your friends and make a day of it! Visit my studio cabin on the tour and see where I work. Enter a drawing for my book, "Art in the Morning." Studio Tour Map Brochures are available at the Tahoe Art League office and website.

July 13 - 14, 2013 Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival,  Main & State Sts & Central Plaza. 10:-5:

June 3 - 7, 2013 5-Day Plein Air Painting Workshop in Lake Tahoe. Please visit my Workshop Page for more info.

April 26-28, 2013 3-day Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my workshop page for more info.

April 2, 2013 Placer Art Assoc., Talk and demonstration on composition and luminous color, Auburn, CA 1:pm.

February 6, 2013 The Unnamed Photo Club . Talk on composition and luminous color, Meyers, CA 6:pm.

January 2, 2013 Rossmoor Art Assoc., Talk and demonstration on composition and luminous color, Walnut Creek, CA 1:pm.

November 9, 2012 - January 11, 2013 "Just Desserts," Gallery 48, 48 Natoma St, Folsom, CA  Give a unique & original gift for the holidays and support the arts! Gallery hours M-F 9-5, 

November 2, 3 & 4, 2012  Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Fri & Sat,10am - 6pm, Sun, 10 - 5.

October 6 & 7, 2012  San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, 10am - 6pm

September 8 & 9, 2012  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, 9:30 am - 6 pm

August 25 - 26, 2012 Palo Alto Festival of Arts, University Ave, 10 am - 6 pm http://www.mlaproductions.com/PaloAlto/index.html

August 10 - 20, 2012 Artist-in-Residence, Valhalla Grand Hall on Tallac Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Rich) South Lake Tahoe, 11am - 4pm 

Two 3-day Weekends: Studio Tour
August 3, 4 & 5, 2012
July 27, 28 & 29, 2012  Tahoe Art League Studio Tour,  South Lake Tahoe, CA 10 am  - 5 pm each day. Free. Visit my studio on the tour to enter a drawing for my new "Art in the Morning," hardbound book! Studio Tour Map Brochures are available at the Tahoe Art League office and website.

July 14 - 15, 2012 Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival, Main & State Sts & Central Plaza.

June 19 - July 31, 2012, Markleeville Art Gallery Plein Air Show. Paint-Out June 19 - 23. Reception, Saturday, June 23 - noon. 

June 16 & 17, 2012 Danville  Fine Arts Faire, Hartz Ave., Danville, CA 10 am - 6 pm

May 19 & 20, 2012 Los Altos "Fine Art in the Park," Lincoln Park, Los Altos, CA, 10 am - 5:30 pm

March 23 - 25, 2012 3-day Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my workshop page for more info.

March 2 - 4, 2012 3-day Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my workshop page for more info.

February 2 - March 26, 2012  "New Work, Old Friends, Live Jazz"  A show of my work. Bona Fide Books Publishing and Cultural Headquarters, Meyers, CA.  Take your Valentine out to Warm Up with some Hot Jazz and Cool Art. I hope to see you there!

 Bona Fide is located in Meyers, just off Highway 50 behind The Getaway Café (café is on north side of hwy.) 1069 Magua Street, #4, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Drop-in or by appointment  530-573-1513.

January 9, 2012 "Creating Dynamic Composition", a presentation and critique group, El Dorado Hills Art Assoc. EDH Senior Ctr. 6:pm

November 18, 19 & 20, 2011 3-day Painting  Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my workshop page for more info.

November 4, 5 & 6, 2011, Sacramento Arts Festival, Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Fri & Sat,10am - 6pm, Sun, 10 - 5. Give the gift of supporting the arts. I am Booth 411. Todd Borg is Booth 416.  

October 16, 2011, Critique Workshop / Presentation. Placerville Arts Assoc., Placerville, CA

October 8 & 9, 2011  San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, 10am - 6pm

September 23, 24 & 25, 2011 3-day Painting Workshop, Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Please visit my workshop page for more info.

September 10 & 11,  Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, 9:30 am - 6 pm

August 27-28, 2011 Palo Alto Festival of Arts, University Ave, 10 am - 6 pm

August 12 - 17, 2011 Artist-in-Residence, Valhalla Historic Site, Hwy 89 (west of Camp Rich) South Lake Tahoe, 11am - 4pm

Two 3-day Weekends:  July 29, 30, 31 & August 8, 9, 10, 2011 Tahoe Art League Studio Tour,  South Lake Tahoe, CA 10 am  - 5 pm each day.

June 25 - July 30, 2011 Markleeville Art Gallery Plein Air Show. June 25, $20 Ticketed Wine Reception 2:-4:, Opening reception (free)  6:-8:

June 18 & 19, 2011, Danville  Fine Arts Faire, Hartz Ave., Danville, CA 10 am - 6 pm

May 21 & 22, 2011, El Dorado Hills Art Assoc. Studio Tour: 41 artists, 13 studios. I will be showing at Sandy Allie's Studio, 2894 Merriam Lane, El Dorado Hills, CA, 10 am - 5 pm 

May 14 & 15, 2011 Los Altos "Fine Art in the Park," Lincoln Park, Los Altos, CA, 10 am - 5:30 pm

February 25 - 27, 2011 3-day Oil Painting Workshop. Brick Alley Studio Gallery, Sacramento

February 12, 2011, 6: -9:pm, I'll be painting at Brick Alley Studio Gallery for Sacramento "2nd Saturday Artwalk", for my upcoming workshop. 919 20th St (at "J"). Come on by!

January 8, 2011, 6: -9:pm, I'll be painting at Brick Alley Studio Gallery for Sacramento "2nd Saturday Artwalk", 919 20th St (at "J"). Come on by!

January 6 - March, 2011 Intel Folsom, group show

October 22 - 24, 2010 3-day Oil Painting Workshop, Folsom Lake College through Folsom Art Assoc.

October 9 & 10, 2010 San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, Downtown San Carlos, CA, 10am - 6pm

October 1, 2 & 3 Sacramento Arts Festival, 2010 Sacramento Convention Center, Downtown. Fri,12 - 9 pm, Sat,10 am - 7 pm, Sun, 10 am - 5 pm

September 25 & 26, 2010 Saratoga Art & Wine Festival, Downtown on Big Basin Way. 9:30 - 6:00

September 11 & 12, 2010 Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, Downtown Mountain View, CA, 9:30 am - 6 pm

September 4, 5, & 6, 2010 Kings Mountain Art Fair, in the Redwoods, 13889 Skyline Blvd., Woodside, CA 10 am - 5 pm

August 28 & 29, 2010 Palo Alto Festival of Arts, University Ave, 10 am - 6 pm

August 23, 2010 Oil Painting Workshop, 12:-4:30, Placerville, CA 

August 13 - 19, 2010 Artist-in-Residence at Valhalla on the Tallac Historic Site. I will be present to answer any questions and talk shop the weekend of the 13th - 15th at the Twin Cabins across from the Cultural store, with my work remaining on display through the 19th.

August 6, 7, 8 & July 30, 31, August 1, 2010 Tahoe Art League Studio Tour, South Lake Tahoe, CA 10 am  - 5 pm each day.

July 22, 2010 "Stonehenge" Sierra Club Fundraiser, exhibiting artist, South Lake Tahoe, CA

July 10 & 11 2010 Tahoe Arts Project, South Tahoe Middle School, 2940 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, CA, 10 am - 5 pm / 10 am - 4 pm 

June 19 & 20, 2010 Danville Fine Arts Faire, Hartz Ave., Danville, CA 10 am - 6 pm

Richeson 75: International Small Works Competition, Racine, WI  Catalog available.

The 33rd Harper College National Juried Art Exhibition: Small Works, Palatine, IL.

7th Biennial National Art Exhibition, Visual Arts Center, Punta Gorda, FL. Juror: Peter Trippi, editor of Fine Art Connoisseur  magazin, previously the director of New York's Dahesh Museum of Art."  

September 26, 2010 My Artwork Chosen: Bocce Ball painting was chosen for the annual Bocce Ball Tournament fundraiser for the non-profit, Warm Wishes - an organization that provides warm clothing & backpacks to the homeless in the Bay Area of Northern California. 

May 22 & 23, 2010 El Dorado Hills Art Assoc. Studio Tour, Studio # 7, I will be showing at Sandy Allie's Studio, 2894 Merriam Lane, El Dorado Hills, CA, 10 am - 5 pm 

May 15 & 16, 2010 Los Altos "Fine Art in the Park," Lincoln Park, Los Altos, CA, 10 am - 5:30 pm 

May 8 & 9, 2010 Mother's Day Wknd, El Dorado Hills Art & Wine Affaire, Town Center, El Dorado Hills 10 am - 5 pm 

May 6 - July 1, 2010 Gallery 48, 48 Natoma St. (within Art Center),  Folsom, CA  EDHAA Studio Tour Preview Show

May 3  2010 Pen Women Studio Visit at my studio.

December '09 - January '10  Art Space, El Dorado Arts Council, Placerville, CA

October 14 & 15 TAL Art Expo, Edgewood, Stateline, NV

October 10 & 11 San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, San Carlos, CA

September 12 & 13  Autumn Food & Wine Festival, Northstar, CA

July 24 - 31  Artist-in-Residence, Valhalla Historic Site, S Lake Tahoe, CA

July 17 - 20  Studio Tour, Tahoe Art League, S Lake Tahoe, CA

July 11 & 12 Tahoe Arts Project, South Lake Tahoe, CA

June 20 & 21 Squaw Valley Fine Arts Festival, Squaw Valley, CA

February 28 - March 2, Artexpo New York , NY, SFA: Featured Emerging Artist

September 6 & 7  Autumn Food & Wine Festival, Northstar, CA

September 27 - 30, Artexpo Las Vegas, NV

Please enjoy a day at the beach and

my PBS interview, "A Conversation with... Kit Night"

What a treat to paint on location at Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe, while I talk with Brent Boynton of PBS - a beautiful turquoise backdrop to our conversation on art & beauty, why we need them.


Valhalla Artist-in-Residence gallery show and onsite painting demonstrations.

My opening reception at Bona Fide Books, publishing co.

Niall McGuinness & Garett Grow of the New World Jazz Project. 

Live Jazz, great people, animated conversation, and red dots at my art opening... what's not to like?!




Miss Gray the famous art critic of El Dorado Hills
























2010 - 2012 Kit Night All rights reserved